Sunday, September 29, 2013

I'm just... scared

I'm scared of how you left me. You left me wandering around in the guilt of my own mind, full of empty thoughts of how I was the one who messed up. I'm scared of those thoughts that you left me with, of the memories that once brought me up that now just tear me down. I'm scared of you. Your person. Who you are. I'm scared to talk to you. I'm scared how you don't even notice me anymore, of how easy it was for you to let go... I really shouldn't be scared of you.

It's my mind.

I'm scared of my mind. I'm scared of what I think of you. Of what I think that you think of me. I'm scared that everything I think is false and you are really just... as... broken... as... me.... 
Are we all this broken? I'm scared of how my heart feels when I see you. Of how it hides behind its bone cage in my chest when it sees your beautiful face. Your beautiful face. The face that once brought me so much happiness, now just brings... Fear. I fear that face. I'm terrified of it. I'm terrified of how it makes me feel. It makes me feel confused. Am I scared of confusion? Can I be scared of what I don't know? I fear what I don't know. That may be why I fear you. I don't know you anymore.


  1. #stolen

    Im scared of what you think of me

  2. "im scared of how you left me." #stolen

  3. "I fear what I don't know. That may be why I fear you. I don't know you anymore".#Stolen

  4. "I fear what I don't know. That may be why I fear you. I don't know you anymore".#Stolen

  5. "im scared of my mind" #stolen #swag

  6. "im scared of my mind" #stolen #swag

  7. Your beautiful face. The face that once brought me so much happiness, now just brings... Fear. # stolen

  8. you left me wandering around in the guilt of my own mind

  9. you left me wandering around in the guilt of my own mind

  10. I really really like this! Like a whole lot....

    "and you are really just... as... broken... as... me.... "

    "Of how it hides behind its bone cage in my chest"

    "I don't know you anymore."

