Sunday, October 6, 2013

The greatest irrational fear of them all

Why do people even fear death? It's inevitable. As a matter of fact, we are always tempting death. Everyday we push it further, further, further, further, until we can feel deaths tongue tickling our feet. It exhilarates us, we love it, but we fear it. Death is just waiting for that one wrong move, for us to just push it a bit too far. Death doesn't like the way we tease it, so it returns the favor. It teases us with small samples of death, leaving us wanting more. We take the bait, slowly and steadily until death can finally grab our ankles with his cold, boney fingers, and drag us to the depths of hell. From what I've heard, it's pretty cold in hell, but you've brought your sweaters, so I'm sure you won't mind.

Father I'm not feeling well 
The flowers me you fed 
Tasted spoiled for suddenly 
I find that I am dead 
But father don't you fear 
Your children all are here 
Singing ooooh the hazards of love 

Father turn the water down 
The basins overflown 
The water covers everything 
And me left all alone 
But papa here in death 
I have regained my breath 


  1. this is really really good...
    you've left me wanting more. and more.

  2. I have been staring at the comment box unable to vividly describe what I just read. So I am just going to say I liked it quite a bit, but I don't know why.
