Tuesday, September 3, 2013

We are here

I'm just a robot. Lost the ability to feel. Lost the ability to think on my own. I am no longer meant to feel. I just go through my daily motions, lifeless. They program us what we should think, do, or say. Have we lost that human touch? That breath of life that keeps us secure on what's real or not? I can't really say for myself. I've lost that grasp on reality and now wander around in my thoughts like the lifeless robot I am. Is it all just a bad dream? I need to break the chains of my past to breath in the future. My wiring is messed up. My sentences don't flow right. They are all broken up. Is this how I am programed? Have I been reprogramed? I think I just need a reboot. A better firewall to keep these viruses out of my head. They are painful, they infect me with poisons I don't want. I'm having a malfunction... I need... sleep...

1 comment:

  1. You took a very different angle on this. I applaud you for your creativity.
    I liked it a lot.
