Sunday, November 10, 2013

Dancing is a blast

I don't know how to dance, but I still do. I dance when I'm not supposed to dance. When there is no music, in public, in the shower (well maybe not there) and am I any good? Nope! Do I care? Nope! Other people seem to like it though, strangely enough. My moves consist of awkward arm flails and swivels, booty work, off beat steps and kicks, and the occasional bow of the head and finger point straight up in the air. It's quite phenomenal, really. People often stop and ask if I actually do dance and I just look at them with utmost seriousness (arms and legs still flailing about) and say "nope" and dance away. If you are scared to dance, suck it up, learn to not care, and work it!

Also, if I could dance like this man, my life would be complete.


  1. "say "nope" and dance away" that line deserves an award.

  2. sometimes when I dance, I sing and pretend I'm the creator of the song

  3. this provided an amazing visual for the way I (and everyone else to be honest) probably dance in public. Or at least the way everyone should.
